

Auto landing of a Diamond DA42


  • Universität Stuttgart
    • IfR
    • ILS


01.01.2012  - 30.06.2015

Project goal

For EASA CS23/Class I/II aircraft, the FlySmart fly-by-wire system provides the pilot not only with intuitive manual control, but also with highly automated flight functionality throughout the flight envelope:

In manual flight, the pilot controls the aircraft with the control stick and speed lever. The all-time active Flight Envelope Protection is responsible for avoiding safety-critical flight conditions.


In automatic flight (AutoTakeoff - AutoCruise - AutoLand), the fly-by-wire system steers the aircraft along a 4D desired flight path. The waypoint data used to define this trajectory can be set or changed both before and during the flight.

Within the FlySmart project, Aviotech GmbH is significantly involved in the realization (SW development/instantiation, HW/SW and system integration), as well as the test (HW/SW and system verification) of the fault-tolerant, redundant fly-by-wire system. The system implementation is based on the AAA("triple A") technology of ILS - Institute of Aeronautical Systems (University of Stuttgart), and uses the flight control laws developed by iFR - Institute of Flight Mechanics and Automatic Control (University of Stuttgart).

Automatic landing of the DA42

Source: YouTube

As part of the FlySmart project, a DA42 was equipped with the Flexible Avionics Platform.As part of the FlySmart project, a DA42 was equipped with the Flexible Avionics Platform.

Video transcription

Cooperation partner

Projektmitarbeiter und -mitarbeiterinnen

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